name: baxter, wes, lynn, toki, kieran
age: 18, 8 at heart
gender: dog man numetal creature
fav game: postal 2 !
fav band: KORN !!!!!!!
fav food: chicken heart, octopus
fav show: metalocalypse
fav colors: green, blue, red, black

hey there gang :) i am baxter !! an 18 year old weird bigender dog man thing fom brazil and you currently is reading my about me page ! there isnt much i could say about myself that i havent said before howver i still hope you become interested on my personhood, i despise many things while loving many others and when i despise them i activelly and constantly wish to put an end to them with my own hands (mostly against my wil) and when i love them i think about them all the time and they become me and i become them. i have autism and adhd and that may affect me and who i am and how i act to an extensive level; my identity has become sinonymous with my special interests through time, as much of a person as i am i have still become, through my online identity, a huge reflection of all i love.

I relate to tons of characters from media i enjoy but the one character i mainly see myself on and believe is me and i am him (not literally i mean that to a mental degree like i project on him just this much) is toki wartooth from metalocalypse ! i have another characters i project a lot onto (dirk and john from homestuck, the south park version of jonathan davis, shu itsuki and some more enstars fags) however i believe none of them come close to being as me and as important to me as toki. the sole reason he is not completly plastered on my neocities is due to how hard it would be to find graphics and etcetera of his

another thing other than my special interests that may define me and change who i am are my friends !! i love them all and they are extremelly dear to me and i may change a bit to become more like them not due to a desire to become them but from naturally absorving jokes and little traits from them from as we talk, so huge shout out to my (found) sister emily and my besties joel, miney, styla and lucia !

music i guess ♫
Dantendo 20/03 11:11
